Monthly Archives: April 2011

Happy Release Day!

Today The Goddess Test is available in stores everywhere! Pick up your copy today – not just because it’s a book, and supporting books is all kinds of fantastic. But because you might just win an extra-cool prize if you do.

From now until 12:01am on May 10th (EST), if you reply to this entry with a picture of your copy of The Goddess Test in your favorite place to read (or really, any place at all – feel free to get creative!), you could win the chance to have a character named after you (or to name a character) in the third Goddess Test book.

AND there will be multiple winners.

Also, if you happen to have two copies? Take a picture of both of them together in your favorite place to read, and you’ll be entered twice. Please keep it G-rated for obvious reasons. If you’d rather not link to the picture in the comments, please feel free to email it to me (

There is one catch: the characters are female. If you happen to be male or have a traditionally masculine name (such as Geoffrey), I might have to use your name in the next story I write instead. Total bummer, I know, I’m sorry. Then again, you could give your sister/friend/niece/cousin/significant other/mother a present and name the character after them, too. It’s up to you!

(Please note that while the character will have whatever name the winners would like, their personality, actions, etc. have already been created, flaws and all, and belong to me. This is just a contest to name the characters. They’re good guys and pivotal to the third Goddess Test book, but their actions would not be yours.)

Thanks so much, and I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

ETA: Yep, ebooks count! I just ask that they not be from NetGalley. There’s no real way I can tell, so I’m depending on the honor system. Thanks, guys!

And the Winner Is…(Round 2!)

And now, without too much chatter, the winner of the second (international) contest for a signed copy of The Goddess Test is…

Kathryn Sheridan Kupanoff!

BUT THAT’S NOT ALL. Because SO many of you entered, I decided to have a second random winner as well. So…


You’re a winner, too!

Thank you guys SO much for participating, and keep your eyes peeled for a THIRD contest coming soon!

Signing Alert!

Many of you have been asking if I’ll be doing a signing for The Goddess Test, and I’m so excited to announce that I’ve been invited to do not one, but TWO signings between May and June!

Friday, May 13th – 7pm, at Anderson’s Bookshop in Naperville, IL

The Lucky/Unlucky Author Panel, with the following mind-boggling lineup:

Sarah Rees Brennan (The Demon’s Covenant), Leah Clifford (A Touch Mortal), Christine Johnson (Claire de Lune), Julia Karr (XVI), Saundra Mitchell (The Vespertine), Courtney Allison Moulton (Angelfire), Lisa and Laura Roecker (The Liar Society), Sarah Bennett Wealer (Rival)

For more information, contact:

Anderson’s Bookshop
123 West Jefferson
Naperville, IL 60540
(630) 355-2665

ETA: Unfortunately due to circumstances beyond my control, I will not be able to take part in the Lucky/Unlucky Author Panel. But please, please go! I can’t be the only writer you were going for, and with that all-star lineup, you can’t lose.

Thursday, June 2nd – Schuler Books & Music in Lansing, MI

After Dark event, with the incredible:

Leah Clifford (A Touch Mortal), Lisa Desrochers (Personal Demons), Courtney Allison Moulton (Angelfire)

For more information, contact:

Schuler Books & Music
2820 Towne Center Blvd
Lansing, MI 48912
(517) 316-7495

I hope to see you there!

Extra Scene – Voting Time!

EDIT: Voting is now CLOSED. Thanks so much, guys, and I’ll announce the winning scenes soon!

Sorry this is a few days late, guys – if you follow my Twitter account, you know that my father’s been in the hospital. He’s out now, and I finally have time to catch back up with everything, including…

Remember that extra scene I owe you all for reaching 3,000 adds on Goodreads for The Goddess Test? Well, now here’s your chance to vote for which scene you want to see! Please vote for your TOP TWO scenes from this list (in 1, 2 order). I will likely only write one, but I’m curious which two scenes you all most want to see. You know, just in case.

The scenes to vote for, listed in chronological order…

1. Kate’s mother/Sofia, when Sofia is taking care of her while Kate’s at the ‘party’.

2. Henry/Diana, before the dreams begin.

3. Ava/the council, before she comes back the second time.

4. Henry/the council, before he confronts Kate and tells her about one of the tests.

5. Ava/Nicholas, when he fends her off before the picnic.

6. Henry/the council, before Kate wakes up ‘after’.

Again, please list your TWO favorites. You have until 12:01am on Tuesday, May 3rd to vote, and then I’ll have that up for you all as soon as possible.

I really can’t say this enough – thank you all so, SO much for spreading the word about The Goddess Test! It’s showing up in bookstores now, and I’m so ridiculously excited. You’re all amazing.

Contest #2!

All right, guys, I have another copy to give away! And this time it’s open internationally.

To win a signed and personalized copy of THE GODDESS TEST, please post a comment below with both your name and email address.

The contest will run from now until 11:59pm my time (EST, GMT -5) on April 25th. You must be at least 13 years old to enter, and if you’re under 18, you must have your parents’ permission. You may only enter once.

Please make sure to include both your name and email address, else I’ll have no way to contact you.

Infinite kudos to those of you who spread the word through Twitter or Facebook. Good luck to you all!

(Please note that the winner will be chosen by a random number generator, not me! Thanks for all the love, guys. 🙂 )

EDIT: The contest is now CLOSED! Thanks so much for entering, guys, and I’ll have a winner announced very shortly!

And the Winner Is

After compiling and reading through each entry without names attached, we have a winner.

This was one hell of a tough decision – there were some extremely compelling entries, and I loved all of them. I chose the winner based on creativity, effort, word count (150 and below, as specified in the contest post), and general awesomeness. There was no formula. But there was one that is absolutely killer.

So, without further ado, our winner is…


An Ode to Hades – a Shakespearean sonnet (in proper iambic pentameter) by Rachel B.

For many years before The Goddess Test
I’ve thought in awe upon the days of old
To wonder who of all the gods was best
And who within my heart a place would hold

Athena rules o’er Greece with strength of mind
The Lord of Seas Poseidon brings the storm
To maidens Artemis is always kind
Without Apollo there would be no morn

Yet somehow Hades seems to rise above
As Lord of Death and ruler underground
Despite bad luck he’s well deserving of
A reputation better than I’ve found

With cleverness and power he will keep
The balance, and will greet me when I sleep


Great job, Rachel B.! Email me at with your address and who you’d like to make the book out to.

Now, for anyone upset they didn’t win, don’t worry! I’m about to post a second contest – this one international – where no writing’s required. Except, of course, just posting to enter.

Congratulations again to Rachel B.!

3,000 and Beyond

You guys are incredible. I really can’t say that enough. Not only are there now more than 3,000 people who have added THE GODDESS TEST to their Goodreads account, but we’re nearly at 3,200!

So, as promised, I’ll post an extra scene from sometime during or before TGT. I’m going to wait to post it until after the release (April 26th) just so that the people who haven’t had the chance to read the ARC will be able to read the scene when it goes up. BUT – and it’s a fun one – YOU GUYS get to choose which scene you’d like.

I’ve made a preliminary list of ones I think might be interesting (if you haven’t read the ARC of TGT yet, don’t read it, because it does contain a few mildly spoilery bits, though I tried to be as vague as possible – hopefully not TOO vague). However, if you have suggestions, please mention them in the comments, and if it would make a good extra scene, then I’ll add them to the pile.

For your consideration, listed in chronological order…

– Kate’s mother/Sofia, when Sofia is taking care of her while Kate’s at the ‘party’.

– Henry/Diana, before the dreams begin.

– Ava/the council, before she comes back the second time.

– Henry/the council, before he confronts Kate and tells her about one of the tests.

– Ava/Nicholas, when he fends her off before the picnic.

– Henry/the council, before Kate wakes up ‘after’.

If you have any additional scenes you’d like to see, let me know in the comments, and I’ll add them in. You have a week (until Monday, April 18th) to suggest more ideas, and then I’ll open them all to voting for two weeks (until Tuesday, May 3rd) to give everyone time to read THE GODDESS TEST and vote. And then I’ll work my butt off until you guys have an extra scene.

Again, thank you guys so, SO much. You’re incredible, and you all totally deserve this and way, way more.