Monthly Archives: March 2011

Consider This A Bribe

In addition to the contest to win a personalized copy of The Goddess Test, I want to propose another contest of sorts.

No, not a contest Let’s call it a bribe.

With the wonderful support and enthusiasm from, we’ve been trying like hell to get 3,000 people to add The Goddess Test to their To Be Read pile on Goodreads. At this point we have close to 2,500.

With your help, if we’re able to reach 3,000 adds on Goodreads by 12:01am EST on April 26th, the day The Goddess Test will be available everywhere, I will write and post a sort of “behind-the-scenes” scene from The Goddess Test. I’ll come up with a few possibilities I think might be interesting, post them, and you can all decide which one you want to see.

I can’t guarantee length, content, any of that stuff, but I can promise it’ll be from the time period covered in The Goddess Test, and it’ll be something in the story Kate doesn’t witness. And I’ll try my best to make it as juicy as possible.

If we hit 4,000? Or, dare I hope, 5,000? I’ll have more special content for you guys. It may be more scenes, it may be other things, we’ll see.  Either way, the more adds The Goddess Test gets, the more that’s in it for you guys.

Ready, set…go!

Contest Time

EDIT:  This contest is now closed. The winner will be announced soon, and keep an eye out for an international contest as well!

With a month to go before THE GODDESS TEST’s April 26th release, I thought it might be fun to run a little contest for a personalized copy of the book.

In order to enter, leave a comment below explaining who your favorite Greek god is and why, in 150 words or less. This can be any god (or half-god) that appears in Greek mythology, but make sure to explain why they’re your favorite. (ETA: please note that this MUST be a god of some sort. Titans do count. Full mortals like Pandora unfortunately do not. If you’re not sure, check out Wikipedia to see if they are specified as a god, half-god, or Titan.)

You’ll have until 12:00am EST on April 10th to enter – so fifteen days. You may only enter once. Once you’ve entered, please don’t delete your entry and rewrite it, since I’ll be compiling them separately. Don’t worry about typos you might find. We all make them.

Unfortunately this will be limited to the US and Canada, but I will almost certainly have another contest sometime soon for international readers as well.

I’ll pick my favorite sometime between April 10th-12th, and I’ll be judging the entries without names, so there will be no bias. You can go for funny, touching, unique, whatever floats your boat. Just make sure to keep it under 150 words.

And please – no spoilers for The Goddess Test. If you include a spoiler not included on the back summary (i.e., comparing Henry to Hades is fair game), your entry will be disqualified.

Good luck!!

They Have Arrived

Books! Books! Everywhere!

Those of you who follow me on Twitter probably already know this, but since I was terribly rude and only announced it via video, I thought a text version of my earlier announcement was in order. There are two parts to this awesome announcement, both equally exciting:

1. The third GODDESS TEST book is now a done deal! It’s currently untitled, and while I’ve heard that the release date will be around November 2012, don’t quote me on it. This may or may not be any surprise for those of you who knew that THE GODDESS TEST was supposed to be a trilogy, but I’m floored at the reception this trilogy has had so far, and I’m beyond excited for you all to have the chance to read the third.

2. My amazing publisher Harlequin TEEN has also bought my YA dystopian novel entitled MASKED. I’m so excited about this story, I can’t even tell you. I’ve also heard this will be out in August 2013, but again, don’t quote me on it. All of this is subject to change.

For those of you who would like to know what MASKED is about, here is the blurb from Publisher’s Marketplace:

Author of the GODDESS TEST novels, Aimee Carter’s trilogy MASKED, set in a future America in which a 16-year-old orphan is surgically changed to replace the Prime Minister’s dead niece, and must deal with the dead girl’s secret life, her fiancé, a growing rebellion and a kidnapped heir, along with the knowledge that the Prime Minister will kill to preserve his own secrets, again to Mary-Theresa Hussey at Harlequin Teen, by Rosemary Stimola at Stimola Literary Studio.

So that’s the big news! I’ve been sitting on it since December, and I’m thrilled to finally be able to share it. I’ve had a fantastic journey with Harlequin TEEN so far, and I’m so excited and grateful for the opportunity to continue it.

Only 36 days until the release of THE GODDESS TEST on April 26th!