Monthly Archives: February 2012

February Goddess Interrupted ARC Contest

Thanks to my wonderful publisher, Harlequin TEEN, I have copies of the ARC of Goddess Interrupted to give away! I’ll be hosting contests the months of December, January, and February, leading up to the release of The Goddess Hunt novella (March 1) and Goddess Interrupted (March 27). Each contest will have one copy of the ARC as a grand prize, and if I can swing it, there may be runner-up prizes as well.

For the February ARC of Goddess Interrupted, all you have to do is post a review of The Goddess Test to,, your review blog, or any book review site, and comment with the link below. If you’ve already posted your review to one of these places, that’s awesome! Just comment with the link, and you’re golden.

One entry per person. Contest open internationally. You have until February 29th at 11:59pm EST (GMT -5) to enter, at which time the contest will close, and a winner will be chosen at random.

Please note: you will NOT be judged on the content of the review. The winner will be chosen at random regardless of the star rating or what the review says.

Thanks so much for your enthusiasm about Goddess Interrupted! Less than a month until The Goddess Hunt is released, and I can’t wait for you all the have the chance to read it.


EDIT: The contest is now closed! The winner will be announced very soon, and in the meantime, don’t forget to order your copy of The Goddess Hunt through your e-reader!