Monthly Archives: October 2012

So I have an ARC of Goddess Inheritance…

…and I want one of you to have it.

You know what that means: contest time!

Now, the previous contests were for finished copies of Goddess Inheritance, which I don’t have yet (I will probably get those sometime in January). This contest is for an UNCORRECTED advanced reading copy/proof of Goddess Inheritance, the third book in the Goddess Test series, which means it will have typos. It will have errors. In fact, at one point the world spins in the wrong direction. There were some small edits made after the ARCs were printed, and it will not be the same as a finished copy, though the story itself is not affected.

I say that not to deter you from entering, but because some (myself included, before I got into publishing) have no idea what the difference between an ARC and the books you see in your local bookstores is. That’s it, really – this is not the final version. It is very close, but there will still be changes. So if you want to read the finished version and only the finished version, then you might want to wait to enter one of the contests that does feature a finished copy, or wait until it’s published on February 26th.

(How many people did that scare away? Two?)

THAT BEING SAID, if you want an ARC of The Goddess Inheritance, here’s how you can win:

  • Comment here with your email address (+1 entry) (required!)
  • Follow me (@aimee_carter) on Twitter (+1 entry)
  • Tweet the following: “Enter to win an ARC of The Goddess Inheritance by @aimee_carter, out February 26th, 2013! ” (+1 entry)
  • Like my Facebook page (+1 entry)
  • Share my Facebook page’s status updates about the contest (+1 entry)
  • Add The Goddess Inheritance to your “to be read” shelf on Goodreads (+1 entry)
  • Add Masked (the first book of my next series) to your “to be read” shelf on Goodreads (+1 entry)

Make SURE to note every way you’ve entered in your comment (for a maximum total of +7 entries), else you’ll only be entered once. If you already follow me on Twitter or Facebook, or have already added the books on your Goodread shelves, then that totally counts.

Contest is open for TWO WEEKS, until 12:01am Eastern (GMT-5) on Monday, November 12, 2012. Open internationally. If I can ship it to you, you can win it. Please be 13 years of age or older, or have your parent or legal guardian’s permission to enter. A winner will be announced as soon as possible sometime on or after November 12, and the winner will have three days to claim their prize before I choose another winner.

I am so excited for you all to have the chance to read this book. Even if you don’t win this contest (or one of my others), The Goddess Inheritance will be on shelves February 26th, 2013. Which isn’t nearly as far away as it feels.

Thanks all, and best of luck!


EDIT: The contest is now CLOSED. Thank you all for entering, and I’ll name the winner ASAP!

Goddess Test Playlist

If you’ve read some of the interviews I’ve done, especially ones that ask about playlists for the Goddess Test series, you probably know that I don’t make playlists. Which is kind of weird, because ten years ago, I made playlists for everything. Every story had a main song, and I always found others that connected as well.

Lately I’ve gotten back in the groove of things – I’ve been connecting songs to stories in my head, and it’s a ton of fun. I’ve started to go through my music and compile a playlist for the Goddess Test series, and while I only have a few so far, I’d love to get more. Over the past year and a half, so many of you have commented about songs that were perfect for Henry and Kate or other members of the Goddess Test series, and I’d love your input.

So here are my top two picks for the Goddess Test playlist. Feel Again by OneRepublic SCREAMS Henry to me, and Someone Like You by Adele (I know, I know) is, to me, the perfect Henry/Persephone song. (And to be all hipster about it, I thought this way before SLY was a single and exploded in popularity). What are some songs that you think fit the series perfectly?