Contest #2!

All right, guys, I have another copy to give away! And this time it’s open internationally.

To win a signed and personalized copy of THE GODDESS TEST, please post a comment below with both your name and email address.

The contest will run from now until 11:59pm my time (EST, GMT -5) on April 25th. You must be at least 13 years old to enter, and if you’re under 18, you must have your parents’ permission. You may only enter once.

Please make sure to include both your name and email address, else I’ll have no way to contact you.

Infinite kudos to those of you who spread the word through Twitter or Facebook. Good luck to you all!

(Please note that the winner will be chosen by a random number generator, not me! Thanks for all the love, guys. 🙂 )

EDIT: The contest is now CLOSED! Thanks so much for entering, guys, and I’ll have a winner announced very shortly!

About Aimée Carter

THE GODDESS TEST series is in stores now! PAWN, the first book in the Blackcoat Rebellion series, was released November 2013, and CAPTIVE and QUEEN, the sequels, will be available in late 2014 and 2015, all from Harlequin Teen. SIMON THORN AND THE WOLF'S DEN, the first book in a middle grade series with Bloomsbury US/UK, will be released in Fall 2015.

Posted on April 13, 2011, in Contests, The Goddess Test and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 168 Comments.

  1. Ok….I’m going to try to win this take TWO! Hee hee! Go team Hermes!

  2. You know I love the book!!! I signed copy would be totally awesome.

  3. Thanks for the giveaway! I will definitely be sharing this on Twitter 🙂


    JaidisShaw at yahoo dot com

  4. Yay for a second chance!

    mylaurel (a)


  5. Side note: I like when wordpress remembers my info.

    On the topic at hand – you’re so awesome Aimée! <—look, I got the é to post, too!

    Another side note: please ignore the late night sillies.

    Again, back on topic…

    Thanks for being so generous and running these contests!

    ~Rachel (

    • Er….nevermind. Seeing as I was clueless enough to see this post without the previous winner’s announcement, I no longer need to attempt to win a second copy.

      The funny thing is, I *did* check on twitter, but somehow the critical tweet got buried. Oops!

      So I officially rescind the above entry and wish everyone else luck!

  6. Thanks for making it international! 🙂
    Camille san miguel

  7. Great giveaway. Would love to win 🙂


    Thanks for tweeting about this contest otherwise I probably wouldn’t have known.

  9. Thank you for running these contests and thank you for making this one international =)

    – Pauline (moreau.p74[at]gmail[dot]com)

  10. This giveaway is fab I would kill for a signed copy 🙂

  11. I’d love to read this book!

  12. I would love to win a copy of this book as I haven’t yet read it. Marissa said it was great:D

  13. OMG! Thank you for the giveaway especially for making it international! 🙂


    I am really looking forward to the release of your novel and having the opportunity to read it.

  15. Excited about this book!

  16. Ooh, another one! 😀 Thanks so much, Aimée.


    Name: Sonia

  17. Thank you very much. The cover is amazing!!!

    artgiote at gmail dot com

  18. I would loooove a signed copy!! I read the NetGalley version but I still have to have my own to cherish forever since I love Greek Mythology!


  19. YAY! Awesome giveaway!


  20. OMG this book is amazing, I would LOVE to have a signed copy!!

  21. Thanks for making it international!
    ebackhaus (at)

  22. Aw, yes international ❤
    Jill B.

  23. Hi! Thanks for the giveaway, Im so glad its international! Whether I win or not, I am definitely going to read The Goddess Test!

  24. I am dying to read your novel. Thanks so much for the chance to win a signed copy!

    My name is Amber M and email address is

  25. Thanks for the great giveaway!


  26. I so want a copy of this book! I love Greek mythology added to stories. I love Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini, PC Cast the Goddess Summoning series, Emily Whitman’s Radiant Darkness, Karen’s Chance’s use of Apollo and many more.

    myworldofbooks18 at hotmail dot com

  27. I would love a chance to win this! Thanks, Aimee!

    Stephanie (purdueliz @ gmail dot com)

  28. Emma Winiarski

    My name is Emma… Hello and thank you another awesome oppertunity to win The Goddess Test sign by YOU!! Your books are awesome and I love them!!! Actually I have about this from a friend and since I follow you it is on my home page!!! I reall hope that you choose me because I want it soooooooooooooo much!! And just to let you know I have no middle name… that really says that you should pick me because of all the pain I’ve been through having no middle name and all… Also I love pandas!!! That’s all!!! Bye!!!

  29. My name is Maria B. Q. and my e-mail adress is I guess I just want to say thank you for another oppertunity to win a signed copy of The Goddess Test! You are awesome for that :)! I have spread word about The Goddess Test throughout my family. Please choose me because I really really really really really really want it! And I hope you noticed I put my middle initial in my name, so I must be as awesome as you :)!!!!

  30. I want to say that i really want to read The Goddess Test! :] I really like books with gods and goddess. (And i think your name looks cool) Thank for the chance to win The Goddess Test again! I think that it is cool that people can win things like this! You books signed by the auther! I really like Greek mthys. They are the best!!! :]

  31. Jeremy West

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  32. Thanks for the giveaway 😀 I’ve been dying to read this! 😀

  33. Thanks for another giveaway! I can’t wait to read your book!

    Pamela Green
    green.pamd (at) gmail (dot) com

  34. Thanks for the giveaway!


  35. I NEED this book! Already read it, but its one I MUST own.

    meanmisskittie at gmail dot com

  36. Ah thank goodness is international! This is like the 127th. time I enter to win your book. I hope this one is the lucky and definitive. Pretty please!

    Ana Lucía

  37. Thanks for this contest Aimee!

  38. oo! I would love a signed copy. michelle dot dunphy AT gmail dot com 🙂

  39. I never have good luck in giveaway contests but, if I don’t try I REALLY don’t stand a chance do I?

  40. Heather McClung

    Thanks! I really want a personalized copy of The Goddess Test!

  41. Ohh thanks for the giveaway!


  42. Great contest, would welcome the chance to read this book!


  43. Omg I’ve heard soo many good things about this book! I really want to win!!! Is there a luck god? None is coming into mind right now, so I’m praying to Nike for victory! 🙂

  44. I’ve heard nothing but good things about this one. 🙂

  45. I absolutely love Henry! He is, by far, my favorite character! Plus, I have a cat named Henry. He is so creepy and lumpy with spots that he can’t like because he is so old. Everytime I read something about Henry, I always picture, instead of some guy, my old and gross cat.

  46. I’d love a copy! Anita

  47. Love you so much for making this international. Can’t wait to read The Goddess Test.
    Nina –

  48. I can’t wait for this book. I’ve had this on my to-read list for some time now. And I love Greek mythology…It seems like it’s the theme for YA books this year. But I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of The Goddess Test. Thanks for the contest!

  49. juanvillagrana

    Juan Villagrana (duh)

    *crosses fingers*

  50. If I win, then I’ll only have to buy one copy instead of two (one for home, one for the classroom library–okay, three, since I’ll undoubtedly buy one for the Nook too); so please take pity on the overworked teacher! 😉

  51. Yay, thank you for making this contest International! I read The Goddess Test and I loved it, a signed copy would make my year!

  52. Karla Vollkopf

    YAY! An international chance to get this book I ant so much! :)) thank you !!!
    I really want to read this new version of Hades (my favorite mythological figure!)! Sounds awesome!

    Karla Vollkopf
    kah_cherub at hotmail dot com

  53. Cristina Marques

    I have this thing for mythology and YA books, and to have both in ONE? Not to mention: INTERNATIONAL???
    PLEASE, do count me in! 😀
    Aimée Carter, you are a wonderful person!!! By the way, hope you don’t mind me using your beautiful name on my baby-to-be. 😉 LOL
    again, thank you for the opportunity.
    Cristina Marques
    cris_mv (at) hotmail (dot) com

  54. A signed copy would be AWESOME. thanks for the giveaway, aimee, and congrats! it’s almost release day!

    ashelynnsanford AT hotmail DOT com.

  55. Yay, another opportunity! Hee. =) Anything that can be crossed will be crossed until the moment of choosedom. Good luck to all.

    Emmy Landeros

  56. Oh that sounds fabulous!


  57. Yay! Thank you for the chance to win..the fact it will be signed makes it even more exciting:P
    I’m a big fan of Greek mythology, I’m even doing Classics for my A Levels so would LOVE to win:)
    Thank you again and heres hoping;)

    Hollie Marsh

  58. Congrats to the last winner! Here’s to hoping the next one will be me 😉

    Rebecca Enzor
    rebeccaenzor @

  59. I’d love a personalised copy as this was one of my fave books and you’re such a lovely person!!

    thanks for the internationality of this contest!


  60. omg cant wait to read this book would love to win

  61. Awesome giveaway! Can’t wait to read this. 🙂

  62. The cover is so gorgeous and everyone I know is talking about this book. I can’t wait to read it!

  63. I must have it! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

  64. Theresa Gerard

    I’m SO excied to read this book I love greek mythology!!! I have already heard some of it but I have to read the book for my self or else I will die!

  65. Thanks for the chance, this will be a perfect gift for my sister, the book sounds great!
    And thanks for making it international.

    Pedro Pablo

  66. I love Greek mythology! I hope I win.

  67. Yay! Another chance to win! I am thegreatest underscore aeariana at yahoo dot com

  68. Hi,
    Great contest! Can’t wait to read the book.


  69. Thanks for the contest! I can’t wait to read this book.

    My name is Megan and my email is

  70. Oooh, I want, though you know I’ll be buying it anyway if I don’t get picked. *g*


  71. Rachel M.

    Really looking forward to your book!

  72. Sounds wonderful!


  73. Mariserg Anonales

    Mariserg Anonales-

  74. Thank you so much for this.

  75. I really want The Goddess Test because my friends are really into greek gaods and I thought I could read this book to understand what they are talking about. Oh yah I promised my teacher I would include her in this so she recommended this book to us.

  76. Lindsay Karson

    I would love a copy of your book-I’ve had a hold at the library for over two months and my other library doesn’t seem to have it…:(

  77. Chelsea Karson

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway!

  78. Krystal Larson

    I love the idea behind your book! Keep writing!

  79. Another contest?!?! You are amazing!!!! The Goddess Test is going to be incredible!!!! I love it’s cover!

  80. I would love to win this book.

  81. Read it. LOVED it. Looking forward to reviewing it for the YA Crush Blog! So, in other words, would love a copy.


  82. Hi!
    Today I got up at six hoping to finish off that English essay I keep putting off(darn it), but got sidetracked by this amazing book that everyone seems to have read before it has even been published!*Envy*
    Yeah, anyway, I have been really into mythology lately, and I think this book sounds amazing!!!
    I would LOVE to win this book, and thanks for opening the contest internationally.

  83. Made a comment on Goodreads but wasn’t sure if you’d get it!
    Kudos for the awesome contest ;D
    I’m Imo Sellars,

    Can’t wait to TGT!

  84. Thank you for this giveaway 🙂


  85. Just saw an ad for your book on facebook. Sounds really good, I can’t wait to read it!


  86. This sounds like such a interesting book ! I can’t wait to read it ! 😀

    – Ashley

  87. I’ll toss in my hat.


  88. Thanks so much for the giveaway! My name is Amber (aLmYbNeNr) and my email is amberr610[at]gmail[dot]com.

  89. OOO! Looks like a very good book!! I am very excited to read it!

    My email is


  90. I live in the UK and as I far as I know The Goddess Test isn’t coming out here yet, but I would love to read it.
    Fingers crossed to everyone who entered – I hope whoever wins enjoys it!

  91. this looks like such an amazing book i can’t wait to read.

  92. I can’t wait to get the chance to read this one!

    I would love to enter



  93. OMG thank you for this giveaway and for making it international, fingers crossed!!



  94. Yay! Thanks for the contest. Here’s my email tsubasaikeda[at]gmail[dot]com

  95. Kare


  96. OMG! reading this on NEtgalley, would love a SIGNED copy lol 😉

    -Faye M
    rteenbookworm @ gmail . com

  97. YAY!!! thanks for making this contest international.can’t wait to read your book.

  98. Omg! I so want to win this book >.< But unfortunately with my darn luck, I never win anything x.x


  99. Enter me too! 😀 Hope I win, but if not maybe you can come to Seattle one day and sign my copy personally. 🙂

  100. I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win a signed copy of The Goddess Test! YAY!


  101. I would love to win! Thanks for the giveaway!

  102. Ooh, I’d love to win a signed copy — thanks for the opportunity! 🙂

    Jessica M.
    jmartinez0415 [at] gmail [dot] com

  103. This is an awesome giveaway! Thanks for doing it!

    My email is wordlustblog at gmail dot com

  104. I can’t wait to read this book 🙂


  105. This is so awesome! Thank you so much, Aimee!

    Deserae McGlothen

  106. I’ve ordered my copy of TGT, but I loved it so much I NEED a signed copy!! Hope I win!

  107. Oooh! I am so excited for this book! :]

  108. I checked online and a Borders that’s relatively close to me said The Goddess Test was in stock. I drove there, searched forever, and found nothing 😦 It must have been hiding.

    Thanks for the giveaway! I would love a signed copy.


  109. I really like Greek mythology and I can’t wait to read this book!

    Noemi Magana

  110. Ah! Thank you for this chance! This is one book I cannot wait to read!

  111. Exciting. Hope I get it!

  112. Thnx for the giveaway:) definitely tweeting abt it!!

  113. I’d like to find out whether the prettiest fantasy author ever is also as great a writer as the blurb of Goddess Test suggests. >.>


  114. Thank you so much for this giveaway AND for making it international !! I really really want to read your book : I thought it was coming out on April 19th so I rushed to the only english bookstore that I know of here in Paris this week but they didn’t have it and probably won’t until May and I can’t wait that long ;-p the cover is gorgeous !!

  115. Thanks! I’m really looking forward to reading your book 🙂


  116. I’ve heard so many good things about it. Thanks for making it international!

  117. Thanks for the giveaway!!!! I can’t believe you’re so generous… and The Goddess Test is so good! Kudos to you for hosting this giveaway…

  118. Thanks for making it International & for giving it away!
    Love the cover : )

  119. Jourdan Espeut

    I love Greek mythology! this series looks great.

    Jourdan Espeut

  120. Thank you so much for the giveaway! (Even if I’m ages late! 😦 ) I just love Greek Mythology – it’s so fascinating! Would love to read The Goddess Test!

  121. Thanks a lot for this giveaway 😀 And for making it international !! I’ve discovered this a bit late but I cross my fingers 🙂

    Best wishes from France 😀


  122. I would love a signed copy.

    Nerissa – (thats a zero)

  123. Yay~ would love to win and read this!!! Thanks for the giveaway ❤

  124. Ahh I want to win so bad =D would love to win a signed copy! Adore Greek mythology!

    thanks for making it international.

    Kelsey Anne

  125. Ooohh, thank you for this giveaway!
    TweetyB99 at aol dot com

  126. I wanna read this book so much!! Hope I win! 😀
    here’s my email

  127. YAY! Thanks for the contest and the chance to get my hands on a copy of The Goddess Test! 🙂

    Name: Momo
    Email: booksoverboys(at)hotmail(dot)com


  128. Ok, why not? I would love to read this book! ^^

    Name: Anna

  129. I have been desperately trying to win this book all over the place. So far I have been unsuccessful. Perhaps I will get lucky this time! Thanks for the great giveaway, I SOOOO want to read this 🙂

    Tiffany @ jaidahsmommy(at)comcast(dot)net

  130. Thanks for the contest! Looking forward to reading The Goddess Test!

  131. Kristina Foster

    Kristina Foster
    thanks for the contest!

  132. Elizabeth Dibble

    i am so psyched to read this book!!

    Elizabeth Dibble

  133. GIVEAWAY! Woo hoo!

    Allison Ridley
    joebob1379 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  134. Ariadna Santos

    Aaaaaahhhh!!! *does happy dance!!* I’ve been wanting to read this book since I first saw it on the Mundie Moms website and it looks SOOO GOOD! I’ve been secretely stalking it in (but shhhhh! Don’t tell anyone!) since I haven’t gotten around to actually going to the bookstore. You’re so amazingly awesome for giving away a SIGNED copy!! … *happy dance* THANK YOU! *crosses fingers*

  135. Please count me in! I would really love to read this book! Thanks for making this an international giveaway!

    aloveforbooks at gmail dot com

  136. Raychelle Smith

    Wow, awesome giveaway! =) Thanks for the opportunity!

    Raychelle Smith

  137. OMG I so want to win!

    gaby891 AT YAHOO DT COM

  138. I love this series, thank you for writing such AMAZING novels 🙂 Team Henry

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