Extra Scene – Voting Time!

EDIT: Voting is now CLOSED. Thanks so much, guys, and I’ll announce the winning scenes soon!

Sorry this is a few days late, guys – if you follow my Twitter account, you know that my father’s been in the hospital. He’s out now, and I finally have time to catch back up with everything, including…

Remember that extra scene I owe you all for reaching 3,000 adds on Goodreads for The Goddess Test? Well, now here’s your chance to vote for which scene you want to see! Please vote for your TOP TWO scenes from this list (in 1, 2 order). I will likely only write one, but I’m curious which two scenes you all most want to see. You know, just in case.

The scenes to vote for, listed in chronological order…

1. Kate’s mother/Sofia, when Sofia is taking care of her while Kate’s at the ‘party’.

2. Henry/Diana, before the dreams begin.

3. Ava/the council, before she comes back the second time.

4. Henry/the council, before he confronts Kate and tells her about one of the tests.

5. Ava/Nicholas, when he fends her off before the picnic.

6. Henry/the council, before Kate wakes up ‘after’.

Again, please list your TWO favorites. You have until 12:01am on Tuesday, May 3rd to vote, and then I’ll have that up for you all as soon as possible.

I really can’t say this enough – thank you all so, SO much for spreading the word about The Goddess Test! It’s showing up in bookstores now, and I’m so ridiculously excited. You’re all amazing.

About Aimée Carter

THE GODDESS TEST series is in stores now! PAWN, the first book in the Blackcoat Rebellion series, was released November 2013, and CAPTIVE and QUEEN, the sequels, will be available in late 2014 and 2015, all from Harlequin Teen. SIMON THORN AND THE WOLF'S DEN, the first book in a middle grade series with Bloomsbury US/UK, will be released in Fall 2015.

Posted on April 21, 2011, in Giving Back, The Goddess Test and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 17 Comments.

  1. #6 and #4

    Really, I just want more Henry. =)

  2. #6 and #4 I also want more Henry!!

  3. 1 and 3. I LOVE your book! I can’t wait for the next one.

  4. I’d like to see #2 and 4.

  5. 3 & 6 please! I love your book 🙂

  6. #6 first, then #4

    And, predictably, because I just want more Henry. What can I say?

    Thanks so much for doing this reward!!!

  7. id like #2 & #6

  8. I would like #1 & #2

  9. Emma Winiarski

    #2 and #4… omg they are just awesome!!! keep writing!!! hope you pick these!!!

  10. Melanie Stang

    # 6 and #4 – anything with henry is go for me!!

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