3,000 and Beyond

You guys are incredible. I really can’t say that enough. Not only are there now more than 3,000 people who have added THE GODDESS TEST to their Goodreads account, but we’re nearly at 3,200!

So, as promised, I’ll post an extra scene from sometime during or before TGT. I’m going to wait to post it until after the release (April 26th) just so that the people who haven’t had the chance to read the ARC will be able to read the scene when it goes up. BUT – and it’s a fun one – YOU GUYS get to choose which scene you’d like.

I’ve made a preliminary list of ones I think might be interesting (if you haven’t read the ARC of TGT yet, don’t read it, because it does contain a few mildly spoilery bits, though I tried to be as vague as possible – hopefully not TOO vague). However, if you have suggestions, please mention them in the comments, and if it would make a good extra scene, then I’ll add them to the pile.

For your consideration, listed in chronological order…

– Kate’s mother/Sofia, when Sofia is taking care of her while Kate’s at the ‘party’.

– Henry/Diana, before the dreams begin.

– Ava/the council, before she comes back the second time.

– Henry/the council, before he confronts Kate and tells her about one of the tests.

– Ava/Nicholas, when he fends her off before the picnic.

– Henry/the council, before Kate wakes up ‘after’.

If you have any additional scenes you’d like to see, let me know in the comments, and I’ll add them in. You have a week (until Monday, April 18th) to suggest more ideas, and then I’ll open them all to voting for two weeks (until Tuesday, May 3rd) to give everyone time to read THE GODDESS TEST and vote. And then I’ll work my butt off until you guys have an extra scene.

Again, thank you guys so, SO much. You’re incredible, and you all totally deserve this and way, way more.

About Aimée Carter

THE GODDESS TEST series is in stores now! PAWN, the first book in the Blackcoat Rebellion series, was released November 2013, and CAPTIVE and QUEEN, the sequels, will be available in late 2014 and 2015, all from Harlequin Teen. SIMON THORN AND THE WOLF'S DEN, the first book in a middle grade series with Bloomsbury US/UK, will be released in Fall 2015.

Posted on April 11, 2011, in Giving Back, The Goddess Test and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Hmm… I’m going to have to skim through the book again to see if there’s a behind-the-scenes scene I really want to read about, most likely pertaining to Henry.

    Although the last one with Henry and the council would be a good one.

  2. Oh, can we have them all?:D Probably not, so… I think I’d like to read more about the Henry/Diana and Ava/the council scenes. Ava’s… revelation was kind of a shock!

    And congrats on the 3000+ hits, you deserve that and more!:)

  3. Well, I’m going to hold off on making a selection until AFTER I’ve read the book but I just wanted to drop by and say that I love the new layout for the blog! It looks great 🙂 I can’t wait for the release of THE GODDESS TEST – I’m sure it will be as amazing as everyone has been telling me it is.

  4. juanvillagrana

    I still need to add it to mine! But congrats on reaching so many! It must be amazing to know that so many people are anxiously waiting to read THE GODDESS TEST.
    Since I haven’t read it yet, I’m not really in the position to start asking for scenes.

  5. I’m going to vote for “Kate’s mother/Sofia, when Sofia is taking care of her while Kate’s at the ‘party’”

    I’m a softie, what can I say! 🙂

    Thanks for doing this, Aimee!

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