Happy Release Day!

Today The Goddess Test is available in stores everywhere! Pick up your copy today – not just because it’s a book, and supporting books is all kinds of fantastic. But because you might just win an extra-cool prize if you do.

From now until 12:01am on May 10th (EST), if you reply to this entry with a picture of your copy of The Goddess Test in your favorite place to read (or really, any place at all – feel free to get creative!), you could win the chance to have a character named after you (or to name a character) in the third Goddess Test book.

AND there will be multiple winners.

Also, if you happen to have two copies? Take a picture of both of them together in your favorite place to read, and you’ll be entered twice. Please keep it G-rated for obvious reasons. If you’d rather not link to the picture in the comments, please feel free to email it to me (aimeecarter@gmail.com).

There is one catch: the characters are female. If you happen to be male or have a traditionally masculine name (such as Geoffrey), I might have to use your name in the next story I write instead. Total bummer, I know, I’m sorry. Then again, you could give your sister/friend/niece/cousin/significant other/mother a present and name the character after them, too. It’s up to you!

(Please note that while the character will have whatever name the winners would like, their personality, actions, etc. have already been created, flaws and all, and belong to me. This is just a contest to name the characters. They’re good guys and pivotal to the third Goddess Test book, but their actions would not be yours.)

Thanks so much, and I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

ETA: Yep, ebooks count! I just ask that they not be from NetGalley. There’s no real way I can tell, so I’m depending on the honor system. Thanks, guys!

About Aimée Carter

THE GODDESS TEST series is in stores now! PAWN, the first book in the Blackcoat Rebellion series, was released November 2013, and CAPTIVE and QUEEN, the sequels, will be available in late 2014 and 2015, all from Harlequin Teen. SIMON THORN AND THE WOLF'S DEN, the first book in a middle grade series with Bloomsbury US/UK, will be released in Fall 2015.

Posted on April 26, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 15 Comments.

  1. I try and remember to do that! I was supposed to get my copy on the 19th but ended up getting it about 4 days later. When it did arrive, Book Depository had decided it was a good idea to put it in cardboard packaging instead of their usual more sensible jiffy bag. So my copy looks a little battered and has a rip at the top. I really disappointed as I love The Goddess Test and was really excited about getting a finished copy (read and reviewed the Galley).


  2. Tammy Wilkinson

    What if you only have the ebook? Does a picture of TGT on your ereader count? 😦

  3. Ive sent you a email, since I have no clue how to place picture in this comment box. Thanks

    email: onceupontwilight(at)live.com

  4. I LOVE this contest! Thank you for the chance <33 Here's my photo entry (with Rabbit!):

  5. Hey is it okay if my copy is on Kindle?

  6. Hi, I’m from Romania and a just discover your book, it sounds be very interesting. I hope that in a one day I can read it.
    I also make a poll on my blog and including your book too, I hope will be voted and will be appear in Romania.

  7. Awesome contest! Sent my picture by email since I can’t figure out how to do it the other way! Got my copy this weekend too! Couldn’t find it last week, but glad to have it now!! Loved it!

  8. Crap, I spent way to much on books not long ago. Pretty cool contest! Good luck to the winners. This would be a pretty cool mother’s day present actually. 🙂

  9. Jennifer Marie

    Awesome contest!! I finally took a picture with my copy in my favorite place to read– my hammock!

    Here it is:

    It would be so awesome to win. I loved this book so much!! 😀

  10. I think I need to cry. My copy is coming. But it won’t be here before the deadline. 😦

  11. WhoDatRachel

    Whew! Finally got this up for you!


  12. just in time (:
    emailed it to you, couldn’t attach a link sorry :S

  13. Hi, any chance you’ll extend the deadline I kind of forgot that yesterday was the 10th. 🙂

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